This distinction generally implies the mechanism by which the mixing with air in the phase that precedes combustion is done. According to this distinction Lpg, petrol and aviation kerosene, but not diesel, are carburetants.
In everyday language, the definition of carburetants is still wider, even if technically less strict, energy products designated for internal combustion engines are defined as "automotive fuels" or carburetants, this therefore includes diesel. The exception is residual fuel oil which feeds large marine and fixed diesel engines which are combustible by definition.
In everyday language, energy products designated for stationary combustion, for example in domestic and industrial use ovens and boilers, are instead defined as combustible or "heating fuels".
By referring to products of oil origin, the distilled combustibles are generally used in domestic ovens and boilers, while residual fuel oils are preferably used in large industrial plants.
We refer to the most important automotive and heating fuel documentation together.